Short Story #2 - The Hater Interview, Part 1
The school bell rang loudly, and my class is on the other side of campus. Frantically running through the thinning halls, I remember today is the day I’ll be paired up with my crush. Oh Max, I blushed, hoping the redness will die down by the time I reach my writing class. Today is the day we will be interviewing our partners. I swooned at the thought.
“Ms. Cara!”
Busted, I thought as I ran through the door, stopping dead in my tracks. “SHIT!” I said aloud as I saw everyone paired up. My crush paired up with...
“Language young lady, you don’t want me to call your parents again, do you?”
“No ma’am. Sorry,” I apologized quickly as I walked to my seat.
“Good. You’ll be paired with Andy. Now hurry and sit down, before I decide to send you to the principal’s office.”