Romance Reveal Book Box - Officially…
Hello friends and lovers!
Excuse me!? Did you read the title of this blog post?
Yours truly, me, as in Vivian Mae, is going to be in a BOOK BOX SUBSCRIPTION!!!
Lawsuit and Leather by Vivian Mae is going to be part of the Reveal Book Box subscription, and I couldn’t be more thrilled!
I received my congratulatory email from Reveal Book Box back on May 11th! Yes, I did check my inbox for the exact date, because… let’s face it, we love facts!
I am such a nerd, but I captured the very first photo I took (the one above). This photo was taken on Wednesday, June 7th at approximately 4:03pm.
I did this whole set up and photographed this beautiful self portrait of myself. Lol, kidding, I’m not full of myself at all!
But I will say, I’m not sure why my eyes are so big I look like a Wallace and Gromit character.
(see below)
In all seriousness though, this opportunity has awarded me with this feeling of empowerment, like I am meant to do this. As an author, everyday is hard, maybe because it can be such a lonely job. Luckily my hubby and I work together a lot, but when I’m writing, it gets lonely, and sometimes my negative thoughts get the better of me, especially when working on social media.
It’s negative thoughts like: not feeling good enough, because I constantly am scrolling through social media, comparing myself as I see everyone else’s success.
It’s shitty, because I sit there and compare my new-ish journey as an author to an already established author, or an author who was the exception to the rule and made it overnight (at least it looks that way, but I know it’s never truly overnight).
So when a fellow booktoker recommended I submit Lawsuit and Leather, because she loved it, I was floored by that alone. And to think Lawsuit and Leather was accepted into it, I couldn’t have imagined it ever happening! It all happened so quick.
Even right now as I’m writing this, I am smiling ear to ear, thinking of that moment, and of each page I signed for a special reader.
Traditions? We love traditions.
Ok, this is so random, but bear with me while I talk to you about my crazy idea. Do you see that photo above? The one with my signature, but it also has a smily face?
Yes… that one!
I’m BIG into creating traditions.
Don’t ask me why, because I have no idea where that came from, but I have always loved the idea of creating traditions, so much so I’ve created a few with my family, and plan on creating more (like this Halloween season I’m planning to make Midnight Margaritas a thing where my MIL and I can make margaritas or some kind of alcoholic beverage, and watch Practical Magic. I’m sure my husband will be all about it too!)
Or the tradition where my husband and I stay awake Christmas Eve and once it strikes midnight, we open the presents we gifted one another.
Anyways… that’s a little about me.
So with the rule of traditions that I loooooove, I’m going to make ONE unique signature. All my signatures have a heart with my name, but there will be only 1 that has a heart and smily face.
Seems silly, but I love the idea of making this a tradition for us, as in you-my readers, and me.
Every book box I get into (and yes I totally believe if I got into one, it’s gonna happen again!) there will be one unique signature in it.
To the reader who ends up receiving that extra special signature, you’re the chosen one.
Ok, I’m being dramatic, but it’s something that’s totally fun! Kinda like an inside joke, but we’re all kinda in on it, but you will have the proof!
This is the very last page I signed on June 12th. It was a total of 500 sheets, technically I didn’t count, but that’s what the paperwork said.
I’m so looking forward to this new venture that 2023 has brought. I love seeing your reader reactions to my stories, keep sharing them, they truly make my day and most often bring me back into a world where I’m so capable of making this a reality!
One final image for good measure! Taking it back to my high school days when I’d pose like this for the camera. It felt right in this moment, no judging!
Kidding, judge away, it’s more fun that way.
Check out Reveal Book Box and keep an eye on their announcements. Lawsuit and Leather is set to be part of their September boxes, so if you’ve been itching to try them out and want Lawsuit and Leather included, give it a try for September!
(It’s possible the order needs to be placed the previous month, however I’m not sure, so be sure to review those extra details on their website. I’ll provide links below).
Plus!! I’ll be providing fun swag to go in their boxes! I’ll share the swag with you once I have it. I gotta sit and figure out exactly what to include.
Happy Monday!
Xoxo, Vivian Mae
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