Author Interview - Millie Perez
Hello friends and lovers!
I’m back with another interview! It’s been a while, time has been hectic, I’ve been writing book 2 since what feels like forever. The last interview was in January with Ellouise and sometimes it still feels like I’m back in that timeframe, because I cannot accept that it is now November of 2022. How did this year fly by so fast!
We’re starting off this amazing Monday with my second ever author interview with the talented Millie Perez, whose debut was, You Never Forget Your First, that just released on November 15th, 2022!
Let me tell you, you are in for quite the roller coaster with her debut rom com 😌 and I highly recommend it when you’re needing a light read!
Let’s get started with our first Latina author interview!
About You
You’re a brand new author! Tell us, how does it feel to have your first book published?
It feels so surreal! I’ve had this dream for so long, to the point where I made myself believe that it was unattainable. Flash forward to today, all I can say is that I’m so glad I pushed through all the fear and self doubt and allowed myself to go for it. Self publishing is not for the faint of heart, and I may need a full month to recover from all of these emotions, but it is very much worth it.
How did you celebrate your big publishing day?
Cake and champagne!! But to be honest, I was in bed by 9pm and was completely exhausted. It was such an amazing day, full of all the warm fuzzies, but I underestimated how many messages or phone calls I would get that day. I did more socializing in those twelves hours than I have in the last three years! But it is a day I will forever remember and I cherish every single phone call and message sent to me that day.
Tell us a little bit about yourself!
Born and raised in NYC! Moved to Puerto Rico when I was 11 and lived there for almost ten years! I finished up college in Miami (Hey FIU!) and got my Masters in Couples and Family therapy and Mental Health Counseling in Boston. After Boston we moved to New Zealand for the Summer (best decision ever!) and then finally settled here in Florida, where I live with my husband Hugh, and almost two year old son, Beau. I love to travel, watch Bravo shows and read on my kindle.
What does a day in your life look like?
I feel like I’m Hannah Montana, because I am definitely living two separate lives. After I had my son, I became a stay at home mom, so my days are filled with playgrounds, play dates and toddler tantrums (just kidding, he’s a pretty sweet kiddo). Then during his nap times/after bedtime I’m usually writing. At this point after self-publishing, I’m taking a mini break from writing so I can enjoy the moment a bit and engage more with readers online. But come the New Year and I will be fully back to writing and hopefully finishing the first draft of my next book in the spring.
About Writing
When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
I can’t remember a time that I didn’t love writing. I just never thought it could be a real career path for me, because I’ve never seen anyone do it firsthand. This is why it’s so important to have representation in publishing, and people who you can turn to for advice. I’m so grateful for self-publishing because it allowed me to go full force into moving forward with my book, knowing that I was in control of when my book would come out.
What part of your debut book did you have the hardest time writing?
I don’t think there was a specific part, but there were definitely days where I was not inspired or had some hardcore writers block. When that happens I listen to music, try to stick to songs that match the themes of the scene I’m trying to write, and then try again, or either walk away completely and allow myself some grace.
What genre do you write?
I like to call it Romantic Comedy with a sprinkle of thriller.
What part of writing is the most fun for you?
The banter! My character will always be mouthy and opinionated and I absolutely love writing the dialogue between two spit-fires.
What is your writing process like?
Are you more of a plotter or a pantser?
Plotter till I die! I personally love making lists in general, so when it comes to writing, I write a very detailed outline. To the point where I can jump in anywhere and start writing because I know the exact direction I’m meant to go in. But I do allow myself artistic freedom. If something doesn’t feel right, or I’m inspired to take a different route, I absolutely do that.
About your book
Amelia Nuñez is moving out of rock bottom. Well actually, moving out of her Upper East Side apartment after a heartbreaking year that has consisted of losing her loving mother, and now, a failed engagement.
She's ready to pick up the pieces again, and luckily for her, she has no shortage of chosen family members to lean on. Like the group of immigrant Latino doctors and their kids who she has always referred to as her surrogate family.
Being a first generation American daughter to her Dominican immigrant parents has always held its challenges, but Amelia is about to do the most terrifying thing yet-spend the holiday season with her judgmental Latino family members as an almost thirty-year-old single woman.
But just as Amelia is gearing up to be the center of the holiday chisme, he shows up. Evan Cooper, also known as her brother's best friend, tech mogul about to reach billionaire status, and worst of all, Amelia's first crush. But Amelia isn't a little girl anymore, and she can handle her own now. At least, she hopes.
Evan on the other hand, is done biding his time. He's moved back to the city, and is ready to take what has always been his-Little Miss Amelia. But after Amelia flips the script on him and leaves him wondering if he can handle the new and emboldened Amelia, he sets a plan in motion.
All it takes is one fateful Thanksgiving weekend in the Berkshires, and maybe a little divine intervention from her Mami, but soon Amelia and Evan's worlds are turned upside down.
Could her childhood crush be anything more than just that? Will his secret past put her in harm's way?
They had better figure it out fast, because someone's been watching. And now, they're ready to come out.
And they're not showing up empty handed.
If your book were made into a movie today, which actors would play your characters?
Evan Cooper’s looks were based off of 2022 Chris Evans, who just happened to be named Sexiest Man Alive. Coincidence? I think not.
And in my mood board, I had the visual of actress Aimee Carrero as Amelia. She’s half Dominican/half Puerto Rican and she’s from Miami, so she fit the vibe perfectly!
Amelia Nuñez
Evan Fucking Cooper
What spice level would you consider your book to be at?
It’s a steamy closed door romance!
Tell us about your main characters, Evan and Amelia. Can you describe each of them in 3 words?
Amelia: Funny, fierce and self deprecating
Evan: Loyal, smitten, and possessive (in a non-toxic way).
What tropes can readers expect to find in your debut novel?
Brother’s Best Friends
Enemies to Lovers
Forced Proximity
Chosen Family
Childhood Crush
Dual POV
Millionaire/Billionaire Romance
Which of the characters do you relate to the most and why?
Amelia, simply because I poured so much of my real life story into hers. I’m so happy I was able to create a Latina main character in the Rom Com genre, and hope to see more stories like hers from fellow authors.
Where can readers follow you?
My Instagram @millieperezauthor! It’s my only social media.
Concluding this interview, what would you like your readers to know?
My book is a quick, fun read, perfect for the holidays or when traveling. It takes you on a rollercoaster in the best way possible, and resembles a telenovela (like the many I grew up watching).
Author Bio
Millie Perez was born and raised in New York City, to Dominican immigrant parents. She's spent most of her life moving around to different places, like Puerto Rico, Miami, Boston, and even had a short stint in New Zealand. Millie has her Masters in Couples and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling. After becoming a new mom, she decided to take a break from the Mental Health industry, and took a leap of faith. She wrote her debut novel "You Never Forget Your First: And He Just Might Be The Death Of Me" during her son's naps and after he went to sleep at night.
When she's not trying to wrangle a toddler, you can find her watching Bravo or a true crime documentary. She now lives in Florida with her husband Hugh, and her son, Beau.
It was so great having Millie interview on my blog! I absolutely adored everything she said and I look forward to seeing more of Millie’s books in the near future.
I’m 93% through her book and I am hooked!! Literally, I’ve been reading during my day job…. oops!
Show Millie some love, comment below, or better yet follow her on her social media, check out her debut!