Short Story #2 - The Hater Interview, Part 2
We braved the principal separately and learned that we would be in detention for the rest of the week for “disruptive behavior.” Oh goody... stuck with Andy all week in the ever so torturous study hell, I mean hall. And to top it off, I have to work with him today after school to finish the punishment Mrs. Winston assigned us. My palm slapped against my pathetic face. Why did I have to be late today? Of all the days.
It took forever as I watched and waited for the clock to move its arms. After, what seemed like hours that stretched into days, the afternoon bell finally rang its sweet screech. I ran off to my car, hoping to avoid Andy, who seemed too determined to wreck my day. Luckily, I made it inside my car without anyone seeing me. The sweet silence that filled the stuffy air inside my car, was much better than being stuck with Andy.

Short Story #2 - The Hater Interview, Part 1
The school bell rang loudly, and my class is on the other side of campus. Frantically running through the thinning halls, I remember today is the day I’ll be paired up with my crush. Oh Max, I blushed, hoping the redness will die down by the time I reach my writing class. Today is the day we will be interviewing our partners. I swooned at the thought.
“Ms. Cara!”
Busted, I thought as I ran through the door, stopping dead in my tracks. “SHIT!” I said aloud as I saw everyone paired up. My crush paired up with...
“Language young lady, you don’t want me to call your parents again, do you?”
“No ma’am. Sorry,” I apologized quickly as I walked to my seat.
“Good. You’ll be paired with Andy. Now hurry and sit down, before I decide to send you to the principal’s office.”