My First Published Short Story
Hello friends and lovers!
Today I am coming at you with very exciting news. A couple months ago, The Publishing Room held a short story contest where ten winners would be chosen to be published in their first edition short story collection book. I’ll provide a peek at page one of my story, “Love at First Disaster”.
Well, I am pleased to announce I was part of the winning ten AND I just received my copies of the book!
The publication can be purchased via ebook and paperback and I highly recommend the read, there are so many talented authors published alongside my story.
For e book lovers like myself, the ebook costs the price of a Starbucks drink and it’ll forever be in your library! Consider supporting the authors of this publication and FUTURE authors as well, because the more copies we can help sell and show off all of these amazing authors, the more support we can provide to The Publishing Room, whom will be able to hold more contests in the future to continue publishing new/seasoned authors.
It’s my first publication and I’m beyond thrilled to share this with you all. Can you tell? I had my own mini photo shoot!
I’m sharing a FREE exclusive peek at page one of my story and those of you that do enjoy it, which I think you’ll enjoy learning about Ellie and her un-thrilling roller coaster disaster, be sure to purchase it by using the links above and below!
It’s a YA short story, which is not usually what I write, since I enjoy steamy romances, but for this contest it felt right to submit a feel good story about a teenage girl who discovers what a crush is, all while coming across a slew of embarrassing moments throughout waiting in line.
Yeah, I call bullshit on Teresa’s boyfriend too. Anyone else? Find out what happens, purchase below!
The Publishing Room’s: A Short Book of Short Stories - EBOOK
The Publishing Room’s: A Short Book of Short Stories - PAPERBACK
Wild and Windy West is coming to Arizona and I’ll be there, meeting and seeing my readers!
Will you be going? Here’s all the information you’ll want to know if you are going…