Skyrocket Pinterest Engagement With 1 Tip
Over the last couple months I have implemented this one tip that have skyrocketed my Pinterest impressions and earned me a lot of website traffic. You don’t need multiple tips, this is the only one you need! Idea Pins!

Top 5 Social Media Tips For Better Content
Whether you are a writer, reader, blogger, photographer, any creative at all. I have a list below dedicated to free ways you can create social media images. Best part is, it is SUPER EASY!
I need to be completely honest with you. Between working a full time job, hustling as a writer I have learned this is a tough journey, but the tips below really helped me out. I hope they will help you too.

A Digestible, Quick Guide to Learn Self-Publish Vs. Traditional Publish
Although I’m brand new to the game and have yet to publish my book, you can rest assured this post is simply dedicated to some of my thoughts on the matter. I’ve completed hours of research and my hope is that this may help someone, if they are planning on publishing their own novel. This is in no way to gear anyone toward a specific side, I just want to share a few things I’ve noticed along the way in my search. Now that we can push that aside, let’s dive in!