14 Things You Don’t Know About Me
Who is Vivian Mae? Although I enjoy a little mystery, I do enjoy connecting with my friends, readers, fan base, etc… This post is more of a personal one for me to share a piece of me out into the world. Listed are 14 facts you don’t know about me. If you’re following me on Instagram,, you might find a couple familiar since I talk about it on repeat.

My Top 10 Favorite Movies (Chick Flick Edition - Part Two)
Part two of a top 10 list of favorite chick flick movies, that includes great hits like The Devil Wears Parada, Legally, Blonde, The Hot Chick, and more!

My Top 10 Favorite Movies (Chick Flick Edition)
Two reasons why I am writing a romance fiction story, is 1) due to chick flicks. I grew up watching all of these beautiful stories on the big screen. They really taught me a thing or two about true love, the do’s and the don’ts, and most importantly, introduced my obsession with NYC. I have mentioned it once before, maybe ten times. Ok.. at least a hundred times.
2) Romance novels! I absolutely love reading them.