14 Things You Don’t Know About Me
Who is Vivian Mae? Although I enjoy a little mystery, I do enjoy connecting with my friends, readers, fan base, etc… This post is more of a personal one for me to share a piece of me out into the world. Listed are 14 facts you don’t know about me. If you’re following me on Instagram,, you might find a couple familiar since I talk about it on repeat.

My Top 10 Favorite Movies (Chick Flick Edition)
Two reasons why I am writing a romance fiction story, is 1) due to chick flicks. I grew up watching all of these beautiful stories on the big screen. They really taught me a thing or two about true love, the do’s and the don’ts, and most importantly, introduced my obsession with NYC. I have mentioned it once before, maybe ten times. Ok.. at least a hundred times.
2) Romance novels! I absolutely love reading them.